Coaching Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why online coaching?

Coaching works remarkably well online because:

  1. You can get coaching as and when you need it.

  2. You don't have to book a scheduled coaching call. This appeals to people who are really busy or travel frequently.

  3. You can work completely anonymously and independently or you can work with a buddy, join in Forums, and Ask the Coach any questions you have. The degree to which you want to share your progress and life is entirely in your control.

  4. You save a ton of money as the online course is very affordable! Why not try it out? Join now!

2. How much does life coaching usually cost?

Most life coaches working with individuals charge about $100 to $300 per session for a 60 minute call three or four times a month. Executive coaches charge more and typically work with their clients for two to four hours a month. This works out to about $300 to $700 per hour. Obviously, corporate coaching is more, and can cost $1,000 to $10,000 per month and usually starts at $500 per hour. Corporate coaching often includes on-site programs and online computerized assessments. Feel free to browse our hand-picked top accredited coach biographies and to see their wide range of coaching fees. Our coaches include business coaches, executive coaches, life coaches, professional coaches, and creative coaches. If you find the cost of one-on-one coaching a budget-buster, then you might be interested in learning more about our top quality, easily affordable coaching programs below.Get live access directly with Tony Moore, Author and Master Life Coach, for two hours a month where you can ask anything you want and get on-the-spot coaching on any area of your life.

3. How long must I commit to working with a coach?

90 days. Although on average, most people find coaching more beneficial than they realized and stay on longer than they initially anticipated—typically 9 months to a year. Many coaches ask for a three to six month commitment but usually let you stop immediately if coaching is not working for you right now. Some coaches might ask you to sign a contract or an agreement. This is fine, however, all our Accredited Life Coaches have agreed that you can coach on a month-by-month basis for as long as it is working for you. This does not apply to corporate coaching contracts or executive coaching which may be for a specific term or project and are often negotiated on a case by case basis.

4. Why would People who are already successful hire a life coach?

People have managed just fine in the past without a life coach. So in one sense nobody really needs a life coach, but many people want one! One of the reasons there is a growing demand for life coaching is the complexity of modern day life. Things aren't as simple as they were in the past. And, whereas your parents might have been happy to have a job that paid the bills, most people today want a job that is personally fulfilling and financially rewarding. They want to find work that is in line with their core values and is an expression of who they are. Never before in history has mankind had such an incredible opportunity for self-expression through one's work. If you aren't doing what you love to do, even if you are successful, you would benefit from some coaching. I certainly did! Are you doing what you most enjoy? Are you tolerating or putting up with anything? Is life easy or are you struggling? Are you on the path to financial independence? Do you have what you really want? Most people can expect a lot more out of their lives.

5. Shouldn’t I be able to reach my own goals?

We’ve been taught that "hard work and doing it on your own" are the keys to finding life, success, money, or happiness. Most people believe they must sacrifice something to attain what they want. Some people sacrifice their health, their time to enjoy life, or their relationships. None of this is necessary. You can have it all, but maybe not all right this minute! And, with life coaching, you’ll find you don’t have to sacrifice anything to get what you want. You may need to change a few things, true, but clients typically find they have more time with their families and friends, more money, more opportunities, and are more successful at work or in their businesses when they work with a professionally trained coach—whether that is a business coach, a personal coach, an executive coach or a life coach. Athletes, performers, CEO’s and presidents know that they can’t do it alone. They know they need a trained professional or even a team of experts to help them determine the best direction and to provide objective support and feedback. Without this, it is almost impossible to achieve excellence.No athlete would consider going to the Olympics without the support of a coach. The extra edge the coach provides makes all the difference. Why shouldn’t you have this same advantage in your own personal and professional life? Sign up for Coach Yourself to Success online or talk to an accredited Life Coach today -- you'll be amazed at the results you'll get!

6. Why is life coaching so popular?

People are tired of doing what they "should" do and are ready to do something special and meaningful for the rest of their lives. Problem is, many can't see it, or if they can, they can't see a way to reorient their life around it. A coach can help them do both.People are realizing how simple it can be to accomplish something that several years ago might have felt out of reach or like a pipedream. A life coach is not a miracle worker (well, they are, sometimes) but a life coach does have a large tool kit to help the Big Idea become a Reality. Fortunately, people now have time and resources to invest in themselves in this kind of personal growth.

7. Why does life coaching produce such rapid change?

Life coaching works for several reasons:Synergy between the life coach and client creates momentum and enthusiasm. Better goals are set -- ones that naturally motivate the client. The client develops new skills, which lead to greater success.Coaching provides a structure of support. Left to our own devices, most people start out with the best intentions and then hit a snag and either get derailed completely or delayed for a long time. An accredited Life Coach can help you quickly bust through snags and inevitable road blocks in life so that more is accomplished with less struggle and less effort in a remarkably short period of time.Objectivity. Your coach is an objective, positive supporter. Not everyone is lucky enough to have such a friend or colleague to provide this. If you’ve been doing it solo, try seeing how much more you can accomplish with your own personal coach!

8. Where does the life coach focus with an average client?

We focus where the client wants us to focus: Your goals are our goals. Although, we might have some radical suggestions for just how to reach those goals more quickly. Sometimes, in order to be more successful in business, you need to do some personal work. So don’t be surprised if you get some personal assessments and quizzes!

9. Can I hire a life coach for a short-term, special project?

Yes. Some clients hire a life coach to help them achieve a specific objective or project. Many clients choose to continue working with their life coach after their initial goals are accomplished because there are even more interesting things to do!